16522300463 Best of InAndOn
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2023 "K歌王者" "BEST OF INANDON"

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We have two finalists for the 2023 "Best of InAndOn" “K 歌王者” Competition. Please help us to vote for the winner by giving a thumbs up and leaving a comment before 12/1/23 to have a chance to win $100. The winner will be determined by the most likes and comments*

*Guidelines for 2023 "Best of InAndOn" “K 歌王者” Competition
➪You can only vote for one video submission.
➪The $100 recipient will be determined by a lucky draw and must send us a brief video explaining the reasons behind your liking and commenting on the video.

本公司一向推广唱K的乐趣。本公司特此邀请你参加今年的 ”K歌王者” 比赛。请立即行动、不要再收藏你的才艺。冠军一名,胜出者可得 US$300 现金回贈。


  1. 只限 InAndOn USA 的客户、參賽歌曲数量不限。

  2. 2023年11 月11日前、把视频发去微信号: inandonusa 

  3. 拍一段不多于五分钟的唱K视频,大部分时间要有参赛者出现。唱前要有不少于5-10 秒的视频拍到音王的品牌

  4. 胜出者会在十一月底通知。

  5. 所拍视频、参赛者必须同意將会作推广之用。

  6. 最后勝出者由大会决定。

1. 关闭伴唱
2. 选合适自己的歌曲
3. 平衡歌声及音乐声的音量
4. 调教合适的高低音调


InAndOn USA has always promoted the fun of karaoke. Thus, our company hereby invites you to participate in the 2023 "Best of InAndOn" competition. Please act now to showcase your talents. One winner will receive a US $300 cash prize.

Our competition rules are as follows:

1. Only InAndOn USA customers can participate. The number of video submissions are unlimited.

2. Please send your video submission to our WeChat account: inandonusa before November 11, 2023.

3. The video submission can be no more than five minutes. For the majority of the video duration, the singer must be in the frame. Before singing starts, there must be around 5-10 seconds of video capturing the InAndOn karaoke system.
4. The winner will be notified at the end of November.

5. Video that is submitted will automatically mean that participants allow that the video can be used for commercial promotion.

6. The final winner is decided by the InAndOn USA committee.

Friendly Reminders:

1. Turn off background vocals.

2. Choose a song that best suits your voice.

3. Find the right balance between the volume of singing and instrumental music.

4. Set the right pitch for your voice.

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